Szkoła Językowa Progress School Zawiercie

Szkoła Językowa Progress School Zawiercie

About Us

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Originally founded in 1995, Progress Language School began as a dream to establish a learning environment that focuses on building upon the success of every individual student. By providing a friendly and creative atmosphere, which we’ve dubbed as a “School with a Positive Climate”, we ensure our students triumph in their language studies.

Our recipe for success begins with the belief in building an appropriate and constructive relationship between the student and teacher. A student’s motivation to work hard and to possess a passion to learn more arises from an informative and instructive connection with our educators. Through an intensive immersion of foreign languages as well as extracurricular activities, the learning process is accelerated.

Yet another exciting element of our school in which we take particular pride, is the completion of over 400 international language certificates by our students, including Cambridge’s CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) – their highest standard of English speaking which our students as young as 16 have achieved. As a result we are immensely proud of our scholars and it further confirms our expertise in teaching.

What truly sets us apart from the rest is that as soon as we welcome a student into our school, we take on the responsibility for ensuring their success both at school and for exams. This means that if a student needs extra help, they have the option of getting it from their teacher outside the classroom, from me, from additional language workshops with our native speakers, by using our “Help-Line”, or even from fellow students who have already completed advanced proficiency certificates.

We’d like to thank everyone who has put their trust and confidence in us over the years to teach not only parents but their children as well. Our incredible team of teachers and staff at Progress is also deserving of a big thank you for their hard work and dedication in creating a positive and educational atmosphere. Without everyone involved this dream would not have been possible, and it’s thanks to everyone it has become a wonderful reality.

Looking forward we are continuously striving to improve in every aspect of our services by working harder and more intensely every year. This has been proved by our institution obtaining a quality mark from PASE (as of February 2006), an organization of dozens of language schools in Poland that provide the highest quality of education. Please refer to

By visiting our website you’ll be able to familiarize yourself with all the services we offer, the amazing work we’ve done, the incredible trips we’ve been on, and get a feel of our “Positive Climate”.


Celina Kurkowska

Poznaj nasze mocne strony

  • Nasza wykwalifikowana kadra lektorów posiada wysokie kwalifikacje i umiejętności zawodowe. W naszym zespole mamy licencjonowanych egzaminatorów gimnazjalnych, maturalnych, Cambridge, Pearson oraz TELC, z języka angielskiego.
  • Celem Szkoły jest prowadzenie nauki języków obcych tak, aby szybko umożliwić porozumiewanie się, przy harmonijnym rozwoju wszystkich umiejętności językowych, na każdym poziomie.
  • Obiektywną weryfikacją jakości naszej pracy jest liczba i jakość zdawanych przez naszych uczniów egzaminów krajowych i międzynarodowych. Liczba zdobytych certyfikatów zewnętrznych przekroczyła 1000.


  • Podstawowe materiały (podręczniki) mogą być wypożyczane uczniom lub przekazywane odpłatnie po cenie nabycia.dalej 
  • Nauka w Szkole odbywa się w grupach 6-8 osobowych bądź indywidualnie, z wyłączeniem grup egzaminacyjnych i kursów specjalistycznych, gdzie grupy mogą być liczniejsze.dalej 
  • Istniejące grupy dzieci i młodzieży rozpoczynają zajęcia 1 września wg ubiegłorocznego planu.dalej 

Oferujemy kursy językowe:

Dla najmłodszych
(2-5 lat)

Dla dzieci
(szkoła podstawowa)

Dla młodzieży

Dla dorosłych

Dla firm i instytucji

Progress School Zawiercie
Progress School Zawiercie
Progress School Zawiercie
Progress School Zawiercie

Szkoła Językowa Progress Zawiercie
ul. Blanowska 23, 42-400 Zawiercie

tel.: 32 67 120 02 | 601 913 890

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